AHPRA – The corporate body that has silenced Doctors, Nurses and Health workers across Australia… But who runs the show?

(information was passed on by a dear friend of mine and supporter of the cause, lets call her (Sew). Stay strong!

Ms Gill Callister Was appointed to the Agency AHPRA as new Chair in July 2019. Prior to this she was Secretary of the Victorian Department of Human Services (2009-2014) where extremely terrible things happened to young children that even a court said she “should bare some responsibility for what happened to the siblings.”

“Ms Gill Callister was appointed to the Agency Management Committee for a first term as new Chair and member with expertise in education and training on 04 July 2019. Ms Callister is CEO of Mind Australia, a community-based mental health organisation with a long tradition of working with people with serious mental illness. She has dedicated her career to improving public policy and service delivery, particularly for vulnerable people in the community, and was recognised with a Public Service Medal in 2019”



Appointed to the Agency as new Chair and a public Service Medal in 2019? – Wait up. I didn’t know we gave new jobs and Medals to criminals? I wonder how the parents of the affected children feel about this?

Two (2) reports conducted by the ABC highlights who Ms Gill Callister really is and her past appointment where she was the the secretary of the Department of Human Services (DHS) during 2014 where shocking incidents accorded to young Children.

First Report by the ABC, published on the 2nd of July 2014,

(Below are extracts taken from the ABC report, please click the link to read the full story.)

involved a court case of 2 “Young children taken from their parents and placed in Victorian residential care were subjected to horrifying sexual and physical abuse by other children, despite being in the care of workers contracted by the Department of Human Services.”

“The judicial officer hearing the case has criticised the people responsible for the children’s care, suggesting that they failed to pass on information about the abuse suffered by the girl and boy in resi-care facilities.”

“Incompetent, negligent, very disgusting in the way they have handled this case and many other cases that I’m aware of.”

“Parents of other children who were sexually and physically abused at the unit have spoken to the ABC.”

“Incompetent, negligent, very disgusting in the way they have handled this case and many other cases that I’m aware of,” one father said when asked to describe the department’s actions. 

“The Department of Human Services is there to ensure the protection and safety of children when parents can’t do it or when they have trouble doing it. Their behavior in this case – handling this case and this unit – they can’t protect children, they shouldn’t be in a position to protect children if they can’t do it properly.”

Second Report by the ABC follows the above court case, published on the 23rd of July 2014

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-07-23/public-servant-found-to-have-breached-duty-of-care-to-children/5618722    Below are extracts taken from the ABC report, please click the link to read the full story.

Still sounding the court case of the 2 young children the report goes on to say;

“In an interim ruling on who should have custody of the children, the court described their case as a “horror story”, and said the secretary of the Department of Human Services (DHS), Gill Callister, bore some responsibility for what happened to the siblings.

“It is clear from the terrible things that have happened to [the children] in care that the secretary is in fundamental breach of her duty of care to each of them,” the court heard.

The court also noted that it was an offence to take action that resulted in a child in state care suffering harm from physical or sexual abuse, or to fail to take action to prevent the same.

“Proceedings for this offence may only be brought after consultation with the secretary. This probably excludes the secretary as a person who may be charged,” the court said.”

A 3rd article that was published before the above 2 were was just as horrifying regarding a pedophile ring.

“Victoria’s child welfare commissioner, Bernie Geary, to investigate pedophile rings exploiting kids in state care”


So in summary… When Ms Gill Callister was the Secretary of the Victorian Department of Human Services (2009-2014) as per the above articles, there were many cases of child abuse and she was in breach of her duty of care –  “Secretary is in fundamental breach of her duty of care to each of them,”

Further more an investigation was launched into a pedophile ring dated 12th of March 2014 – Before all the above took place and yet still the duty of care was to say the least DISGRACFUL!

How in the hell, can a person responsible for the safety of children and found by the courts to be in breach of her duty of care go on to be appointed head of any further departments within our Government? 

Criminals looking after criminals… 

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